The Salient Product
Competency Matrix

A product of over a decade’s consulting with leading Indian companies,
the Salient Product Competency Matrix has been designed to help business leaders
and product heads organize their teams and talent effectively.
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The Salient Product Competency Matrix lets you run more effective organizations.

Appraise and map team skills

A product team needs various skills. Some roles may need more customer focus, while others may need a stronger technical base. The Salient Competency Model helps map different skills within the team and assess strengths and gaps.

Hire fit-for-role talent for your teams

Many firms take time hiring because the want the right talent. But it’s difficult to judge if the talent fits the role at hand. Use the Salient Product Competency Model to hire for the right competencies for the role.

Pick the right talent for different product stages

Early stage product efforts need very different skills from mature products. The Salient Product Competency Matrix helps you identify the right skills for different product stages.

Plan career progression

Team members need different strengths as they grow in their career. Start with a place of awareness of their individual strengths and areas of improvement, and what they need to develop further.

The Salient B2B Product Canvas

A B2B product’s success depends on various factors - customer context, adoption patterns, competitive moves - as well as product’s value proposition, roadmap and technology evolution.

The Salient Product Canvas helps you keep track of all key elements in a single place so you align your product with customer needs.

Map critical customer context

Gather Information on Customer Preferences, Buying Process, Key Stakeholders, Pain Points and
Preferred Competition so you have all important information at a glance.

Link customer context to product design

Armed with customer knowledge, map your product’s value proposition, key messages, and alignment with the technology roadmap and business model.

The Salient Platformization Canvas

Many companies are keen to build platforms, but struggle with the details of what makes a platform and how to think through this. The Salient Platformization brings key elements of platformization together on a single canvas to help you plan better.

Design better platform strategies with The Salient Platformization Canvas

Governance and policies

A platform needs a lot of forethought. Done right, there will be many products built on top of it. Getting governance and policies is key for long term vision of the platform.

Integration and APIs

Plan your platform versions and integrations supported in advance. Review and align your API policy based on your platform strategy.

Journeys and domains applicable

A strong platform does not set out to do everything, but keeps key customer journeys that need to be supported in plans.

Investments required

Keep track of investments with planned customization, deprecation of versions, and more

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